More information

The Office of the Queensland Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner publishes documents to raise awareness of mine rehabilitation matters and support the Queensland community to build a better understanding of how we can achieve positive social, environmental and economic outcomes around mine rehabilitation.

View research on leading practice advice on mine rehabilitation matters.

Join the Queensland mine rehabilitation community to be kept informed as we publish new material.

Useful links

The links below provide further information in relation to mined land rehabilitation and other related research topics. The documents are from a range of sources, including Queensland, Australian and International Governments, Centres of Excellence, Environment and Community groups and Industry groups.

It is important to note that the views expressed by these links do not represent the views, opinions, policy or advice of the Office of the Queensland Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner and are included purely for information purposes only.


    Queensland government sites

    Queensland Government Acts

    Queensland rehabilitation Reform

    Other guidelines


    Other Australian state governments

    New South Wales

    Northern Territory

    South Australia



    Western Australia

    Australian government

    International governments



    US government

    Centres and universities

    Centres of excellence

    Murdoch University

    University of Western Australia

    Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI)
